It's been four days since surgery on my right wrist to remove a six inch plate and six troublesome screws. I am typing ever so gingerly while wearing a cumbersome brace, but my six inch long incision is healing nicely. Looks frightfully like the arm of Frankenstein to me!
As I was praying this morning, the Holy Spirit who helps us pray gave me this thought for so many requests: when it is God's will, He always makes a way. And He welcomes our requests to make a way for us, for our families, for our friends.
Our church is seeking 13.8 million dollars to acquire a school facility for the Christian day school. If it is God's will, then He will have to make a way--we cannot. For more details, go to www.berrypassingthetorch.com . And we are asking: God, make a way.
I wanted to write and garden and work on projects this summer, but my hand is minimally functional. God, please, make a way.
I need a job for the fall. Make a way.
My friend's (Cindy) mom has cancer. So does my neighbor Kathy. God, make a way.
Mark and Marge want to serve you in Costa Rica. Make a way.
How He will or what He wills in each situation, I do not know. But I do know is that when it IS His will, He makes a way. He makes a path through the wilderness. He provides streams in the desert. Manna from heaven. Water from a rock. Resurrection out of crucifixion. Pauls are made out of Sauls. Blind men can see. And captives go free!
What is your obstacle? Your struggle? Your insurmountable circumstance? Pray, trusting in His perfect will, that God will make a way.
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