Monday, June 21, 2010


"Betwixt and between" - living on that "shimmering line between old thinking and new understanding, always in a state of learning" --this is how Elizabeth Gilbert describes a border-dweller in her book Eat, Pray, Love, as she searches for a word that defines her existence. It is an identity that sits with me as well.

Gilbert goes on to say that the border is always moving, so you have to "stay mobile, movable, supple" since as a border-dweller, you are neither entrenched in the everyday nor fully transcended into the spiritual.

Border-dwelling. It's like...

Dancing on the edge of the divine...without leaving the kitchen.

Emploring the heavenlies for the earthbound.

Opening the heart's receptors to the unseen intangibles that are life and breath to the soul: faith, hope, love
......while the mind is battered by fear, disappointments, betrayals, pain.

This is the journey of any spiritually minded person, I suppose. The Apostle Paul described a Christian as a clay pot that houses the life of Christ: a flawed, fleshly vessel that is inhabited by the deity that reigns sovereignly over all. How mind-blowing is that!?!

Right inside my person, I live on the border of earth and heaven. The temporal and the eternal. The corrupted and the incorruptible. As long as I have an earthly mortal existence, I do not choose between the two. I must somehow learn to live the heavenly and eternal within this temporal domain. Live as a citizen of heaven, God's Kingdom while still in this one. Border-dwelling.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New post - finally!

Well, I entered the world of Facebook and completely lost my blogging time!!! The great thing is that I have reconnected to many old friends and found a new, fun way to share photos, thoughts, and life with folks I care about. And probably some I really don't - but that's Facebook. :/
I still have three dachshunds, a loving husband, and three children. However, the oldest is about to turn 20, so no longer a teenager. Our son will be 18 in a few months - no longer a boy. And our baby is 14 - not really a baby anymore.
Geoff and I are getting practice runs on being Empty Nesters b/c our kids have such active lives. Tonight is one of those nights. So much for reconnecting over the summer! One is working, another is at math team practice, and the third is spending the night with friends.